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Researchers from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, have developed a new type of gold in the form of very small crystals — microcystallites. The microcrystal gold has been found to be nobler than gold — it do not dissolve in mercury and Aqua regia (a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid), and showed the least interaction with copper.
Dr. Veena Prasad and Dr. Ramakrishna Matte were invited to be guests of honour for the inauguration of ATAL TINKERING LAB at Sharada Educational Institutions, SKDB campus, Kodialbail, Mangaluru, on 30th July 2018. After the function they conducted V4 - Science programme for high school and PU students of Sharada PU College.
“All that glitters is not gold – but sometimes it really, really is. Researchers have made a new kind of gold crystal that is even more gold-like than regular gold.”, writes Michael Marshall in NewScientist citing the new discovery by Prof. G U Kulkarni, Director, CeNS and his group. For full story click on the link
A sample piece of the transparent conductor cut from a roll of crack templated polymer film- based on the invention of Prof GUK & his group. At IGSTC project meeting held at Papierfabrik Louisenthal in Gmund am Tegernsee, Germany, April 2018
Dr. Veena Prasad was invited as the chief guest for the International women's day celebration on Thursday, 8th March 2018, by the Women's Forum of the Indian Institute of Science. The function was held at Professor Satish Dhawan Auditorium, IISc Campus.
CeNS participated in the 9th Bengaluru INDIA NANO 2017 held during 7-9, December 2017 at Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru. From the Centre, nine faculty members, two postdoctoral fellows and seven Ph. D. students participated in the event organised by the Dept of IT, BT and S&T, Govt. of Karnataka in association with Karnataka’s Vision Group on Science and Technology, the chairman of the latter being Bharat Ratna Prof. C. N. R. Rao, FRS.
The in-house inventions translated to prototype devices showcased during the event received high recognition from the industry and academic visitors. Apart from this, technical posters portraying recent research activities were displayed in the conference section. The nanoscience/technology enthusiasts were given an insight into the “Nano Fabrication Technologies” by Prof. G. U. Kulkarni in the tutorial session. Dr. C. V. Yelamaggad and S. Angappane served as jury members for evaluating technical posters.
Centre was bestowed with “Best Exhibit Award for the Year 2017” in the category of Innovative Display. Mr. Sunil Walia, Ph D student, was conferred with the prestigious “Karnataka DST Nanoscience Fellowship’ award instituted by the Dept of S & T, Govt of Karnataka. Mr Vaisak, V. M., Ph D student, won “Best Poster Award” for his poster entitled “Enhanced photoluminescence in anisotropic magnetogel".
A Joint Symposium involving CeNS, Bengaluru and INST, Mohali, organized by CeNS, was held during 16-17 November 2017 at Hospet, Karnataka.
On the first day, Prof. G U Kulkarni, Director, CeNS and Prof. A.K. Ganguli, Director, INST, welcomed Bharat Ratna Professor C N R Rao, Chairman, Governing Council, CeNS and Chairman, Board of Governers, INST and researchers from CeNS and INST. Prof. Rao, in his opening remarks, mentioned about the importance of doing quality scientific research and not just the quantity, so that world sits up and takes notice of us through science. He also felt that the joint symposium between the two nano institutes should help exchange ideas and build collaborations to work in this direction.
During the two days, seventeen invited talks, eight short oral presentations, and twenty-four poster presentations saw an active participation both from the students and the faculty. The presentations covered a wide range of topics in soft matter, nano- and bio-sciences with an emphasis on nanoscience-related research and technology. Each scientific session was followed by a lively discussion which culminated in newer ideas. The participants were also treated to a Hindustani musical performance by the local artiste, Ms. Savitha Amaresh, and her group.
A science report published in the 11 Nov 2017 edition of The Hindu talks about Smart Windows developed by Prof. Kulkarni and group. For the full story click the following link:
Bharat Ratna Professor C.N.R. Rao, Chairman of the Governing Council is the recipient of the highly prestigious Von Hippel Award for materials research. This international award is the highest honor in materials research “recognizing those qualities most prized by materials sciences and engineers-brilliance and originally of intellect, combined with vision that transcends the boundaries of conventional scientific disciplines”.
The citation reads “For his immense interdisciplinary contributions to the development of novel functional materials, including nanomaterials, grapheme, superconductivity, 2D materials and colossal magnetoresistance”.
The award will be presented in Boston on November 29, 2017 during the MRS meeting. The award includes a cash prize, trophy and a diploma. Professor Rao is the first Asian to receive the award.