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Mr. Indrajit Mondal has been awarded the “Best Poster Presentation Award” for his poster entitled "SnO2 coated large area Aluminum micromesh aslow-cost transparent conducting electrode for liquid crystal-based smartwindow" at 11th Bangalore India Nano.
Dr. C. V. Yelamaggad elected as a Executive Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry - London, India (Deccan Local Section) on 1st February 2020.
This year Dr. Sanjay K Varshney, Dr. B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, and Mr. Alex C. represented CeNS participation at the prestigious 5th International India Science Festival (IISF-2019) that was held at Kolkata during 5-8 Nov 2019. At the “Mega Science, Technology and Industrial Expo,” the team headed by Dr. Sanjay put up a stall and exhibited three prototypes, namely, Luminescence - based light Sensor, Invisible EMI shield and Hydrogen generator, all developed by CeNS researchers based on their lab-level findings. The team also put up posters that highlighted the outcome of the latest research programs as well as the Centre’s outreach activities. Industry personnel, research scholars, school students, and the general public visited the stall and actively interacted with the CeNS team. The visitors were very appreciative of the Centre’s efforts to transform laboratory research into the technologically important devices.
Dr. Pralay Santra has been inducted into the Inaugural Early Career Advisory Board of ChemNanoMat from 2020 onwards following an invitation from the chairs of the Editorial Board of the journal. ChemNanoMat publishes primary research papers and review articles on all aspects of the chemistry of nanomaterials and their interdisciplinary applications. It is published on behalf of the Asian Chemical Editorial Society. The current impact factor is 3.4
The list of the board members can be found here
Dr. C. V. Yelamaggad was a chief guest in a Homeopathy Scientific Seminar held at Belgaum on 16 November 2019. Over 1600 delegates (homeopathic doctors, academicians, Ph.D. students and other researchers ) from different parts of the country attended.
Ms. Pragnya Satapathy has been awarded the “Best Poster Presentation Award” for her poster entitled “Synergistic path for dual anisotropic and electrically switchable emission from a nanocomposite of CsPbBr3 quantum cuboids and nematic liquid crystal” at 26th National Conference On Liquid Crystals (NCLC-2019) in association with Indian Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS) Chitkara University, Patiala, Punjab.
Prof. G.U. Kulkarni,Director, CeNS, received Dr Raja Ramanna State Award from the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCTC) for his significant contribution in the field of Science Education. The award was bestowed upon him at a function held in J N Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bengaluru, on 22 October 2019.
Ms. Ramya Prabhu B. secured 2nd place in the oral presentation for her research paper titled ‘Sea urchin-MoO3 nanostructures as an efficient substrate for SERS detection of dyes’.
CeNS along with its industry partner, HHV participated in the 2nd edition of IESA Spacetronics and Deftronics -2019. The event hosted by the premier industry body, India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), in collaboration with ISRO was held during Sept 19-20, 2019 at Vivanta Taj Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru. Dr. Ashutosh K Singh from CeNS and Dr. M. G. Sreenivasan (HHV) exhibited the products “Hybrid Transparent Conducting electrodes based on (ITO/Al-mesh) and Al-Mesh”, “Transparent Heaters” and “Transparent EMI shielding”, developed through the collaborative project between CeNS and HHV.
The Centre launched its Technology Laboratory, part of the Technology Business Incubator project “Greenhouse” at its news campus “Arkavathi” located at Shivanapura, Bengaluru North, on 17 August 2019. This unique project funded by the Nano Mission, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, was inaugurated by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary to Government of India, DST, in the esteemed presence of Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS. Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT-Delhi and the Chairman of the governing council of CeNS, himself a pioneer in translating lab level research to technology, appreciated the move to have incubator which will bridge the gap between the research institutions and industry. The governing council members and several eminent scientists from premier research institutes such as IISc, JNCASR, IACS, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Bombay participated in the event. Prof. G.U. Kulkarni, Director, CeNS, welcomed the gathering and took the dignitaries around for a guided tour of the Greenhouse.
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The state-of-the-art Materials Laboratory was inaugurated by Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS at the pristine campus ‘Arkavathi’ of the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) located in Shivanapura, Bengaluru North. Prof. Rao in his address as the guest of honor emphasized the importance of the city as the science capital of the country and urged the researchers especially the young to deviate from the well-trodden path and accept challenges to work on problems of societal relevance and concentrate on, for example, health and energy sectors. On this occasion, the Centre was proud to launch its Technology Laboratory, part of the Technology Business Incubator project “Greenhouse”. This unique project funded by the Nano Mission, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, was launched by the chief guest Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary to Government of India, DST. Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT-Delhi and the Chairman of the governing council of CeNS, himself a pioneer in translating lab level research to technology, appreciated the move to have incubator which will bridge the gap between the research institutions and industry, much needed for India. Several luminaries in the arena of Science and Technology from premier institutes like IISc, JNCASR, IACS, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Bombay etc. participated in the event. The Director, Prof. G.U. Kulkarni welcomed the gathering and took the dignitaries around for a guided tour of the laboratories.