Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Professor C.N.R. Rao, Chairman Governing Council, Receives Major International Honor

Bharat Ratna Professor C.N.R. Rao, Chairman of the Governing Council is the recipient of the highly prestigious Von Hippel Award for materials research. This international award is the highest honor in materials research “recognizing those qualities most prized by materials sciences and engineers-brilliance and originally of intellect, combined with vision that transcends the boundaries of conventional scientific disciplines”.

The citation reads “For his immense interdisciplinary contributions to the development of novel functional materials, including nanomaterials, grapheme, superconductivity, 2D materials and colossal magnetoresistance”.

The award will be presented in Boston on November 29, 2017 during the MRS meeting. The award includes a cash prize, trophy and a diploma. Professor Rao is the first Asian to receive the award.

Prof. G. U. Kulkarni received Prof. C.N.R. Rao Science award in 13th Kannada Science Conference on19 September 2017.

Workshop on "Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology"

 A CeNS- DRDO-JNCASR workshop on "Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology" was held JNCASR, Bengaluru during July 4-5,2017

CeNS DRDO JNC workshop group

Workshop on "Advances in Nano and Soft Materials" between CeNS-Manipal University

A joint workshop on "Advances in Nano and Soft Materials" between CeNS-Manipal University was held at CeNS, Bengaluru June 27 - 28, 2017.


Bhoomi Pooja at New Campus.

Bhoomi Pooja for construction of Laboratories at new campus, Shivanapura by Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N. R. Rao, F.R.S on 19 May 2017.





Tweet from Hon'ble Union Minister for Science & Technology & Earth Sciences Dr.Harsh Vardhan

Honorable Union Minister for Science & Technology & Earth Sciences Dr.Harsh Vardhan has posted the achievement of the Centre in his tweet dated 3 May 2017. Click here






DST conclave on 2 & 3 May 2017


An interaction meeting on 'Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environmental Sensors', IUSSTF, 11 & 13 March 2017

An interaction meeting on 'Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environmental Sensors', under an Indo-US R & D networked Joint Centre awarded by Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) took place on 11 & 13, March 2017. The meeting began with the inspiring opening remarks by Bharat Ratna Professor C. N. R. Rao. Scientists and students from the participating institutes, viz., CeNS, IISc and JNCASR from India and Purdue University, North-western University, University of Notre Dame and the University of Akron from the US presented their work at the meeting. The scientific content of the presentations covered a wide variety of topics such as perovskites, helical nanomaterials, block copolymers/nanoparticles assemblies, advanced electron microscopy, nanostructured GaN, quantum dots, thermal interfaces, transparent conducting electrodes, liquid crystal-nanoparticle hybrids, nanofabrication under the theme of clean energy and environmental sensors. In all there were 17 invited talks and 25 poster presentations. The sessions took place in three places, viz., CeNS, JNCASR and CeNSE-IISc with a view to include a wider student audience of the respective institutes.


Interaction session with Prof. Prashant Kamat, Editor-in-Chief, ACS Energy Letters, 12 March 2017

On Sunday, 12 March 2017, an interaction session between Prof. Prashant Kamat, Editor-in-Chief, ACS Energy Letters, and young researchers of CeNS, JNCASR and CeNSE-IISc was held at the Lecture Hall, CeNS. Prof. Kamat, a Zahm Professor of Science at the University of Notre Dame, USA, spoke to the researchers about the art of publishing scientific research. The interaction was filled with very useful tips from Prof. Kamat about different aspects of writing a good manuscript and to publish in reputed journals. The highlight of the programme was an hour long question and answer session found extremely fruitful by the research student community. After the session, the festival of colors, was played both by the students and professors alike with lot of fervour and gaiety.



National Science Day Celebration

The country celebrates February 28 as National Science Day to commemorate the discovery of Raman Effect. The theme of this year’s celebrations of this event at our Centre is “Science and Technology for specially abled persons”, the topic being selected by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Several programmes were organized in this regard. This included visits to schools based in Bangalore which specifically cater to specially abled students, e.g., Association for Persons with Disabilities, Academy for Severe Handicaps and Autism (ASHA) Charitable Trust. During these visits, spread over a week in February, our researchers interacted with the students as well as the teaching staff to learn about the functioning of these schools and to explore ways where the Centre can contribute in providing additional academic interaction. As a corollary a visit to our Centre by children of four different special schools, Spastics Society of Karnataka, Asha Kiran, Deepika Special School and ASHA was arranged on 22 Febraury 2017. A specifically designed science demonstration tour was the highlight.

The main event culminating these activities was held on 28 February, in which students of B.E.L. high school as well as all the staff & student members participated. The programme was presided over by Prof. G.U. Kulkarni, the Director of the Centre, and included a lecture on “Science of Colour” by Dr. P. Viswanath, a faculty, a science-based skit by CeNS researchers and a compiled video show on specially abled achievers. A Science Quiz show was also held for the members of the Centre. The LitE Gallery, a hall hosting exhibits and hands-on experiments designed for school and college going students, was also inaugurated that day and will be, henceforth, an important component of Centre’s flourishing science outreach programme.

The entire activity was coordinated by a senior faculty, Dr. S. Krishna Prasad. The Centre sincerely thanks Ms. Jayashree Ramesh, Director, ASHA for the copious help in organizing the events with the special schools.






Dr. C V. Yelamaggad was the Chief Guest and Keynote speaker

Dr. C V. Yelamaggad was the Chief Guest and Keynote speaker at the inauguration function at the UGC Sponsored One Day State Level Seminar on Advances in Materials Sciences January 20th 2017, held at P. C. Jabin Science College, Vidyanagar, Hubballi