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Monday, 17 February 2025
Acoustical Physics
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Annales Henri Poincaré
Annals of PDE
Applied Magnetic Resonance
Applied Physics A
Applied Physics B
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Astronomy Letters
Astronomy Reports
Astrophysical Bulletin
Astrophysics and Space Science
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
Atomic Energy
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Brazilian Journal of Physics
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Cosmic Research
Crystallography Reports
Doklady Physics
Earth, Moon, and Planets
Experimental Astronomy
Few-Body Systems
Fluid Dynamics
Foundations of Physics
Frontiers of Physics
General Relativity and Gravitation
Granular Matter
Gravitation and Cosmology
High Temperature
Hyperfine Interactions
Indian Journal of Physics
Instruments and Experimental Techniques
International Applied Mechanics
International Journal of Theoretical Physics
International Journal of Thermophysics
JETP Letters
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Journal of Biological Physics
Journal of Biomolecular NMR
Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences)
Journal of Elasticity
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Journal of Friction and Wear
Journal of Fusion Energy
Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
Journal of Optics
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion
Journal of Russian Laser Research
Journal of Statistical Physics
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
Journal of Thermal Science
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
Letters in Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
Measurement Techniques
Mechanics of Solids
Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin
Moscow University Physics Bulletin
Optical and Quantum Electronics
Optical Review
Optics and Spectroscopy
Optoelectronics Letters
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing
Physical Mesomechanics
Physics in Perspective
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Physics of Particles and Nuclei/ Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
Physics of the Solid State
Physics of Wave Phenomena
Plasma Physics Reports
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences
Quantum Information Processing
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
Russian Physics Journal
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
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Solar System Research
Space Science Reviews
Technical Physics
Technical Physics Letters
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
The European Physical Journal A
The European Physical Journal B
The European Physical Journal D
The European Physical Journal E
The European Physical Journal H
The European Physical Journal Plus
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics